"As you may have seen on the BBC and ITN last week and from other reports in the media the Disasters Emergency Committee has launched a major Coronavirus Appeal. Millions of lives are at stake as Covid-19 hits refugee camps and war torn countries like Yemen, Syria, Somalia, South Sudan, DR Congo, Afghanistan and the Royingha camps in Bangladesh. Many people are living in crowded camps with little access to medical care, clean water or enough food, making them extremely vulnerable to coronavirus. The virus is now spreading much more rapidly in the developing world and this is likely to become, sadly, a bigger story in the next few weeks.
Christian Aid is one of 13 major aid agencies who are part of the DEC, along with CAFOD, Oxfam and TearFund and here in Windsor we are supporting their work raising funds for this appeal. We know that many of you have given generously already this year but we believe it is important to get behind this appeal and ask you to consider giving generously again.
Please either donate directly to the DEC website:
Or through our own justgiving website:
Thank you for considering this appeal.
Windsor Christian Aid Group"