Rev'd Vicci's thought for the week


As we arrive at the last Sunday in Advent, we come also to that week when we recall Mary’s gift to the world: the agreement to be the Theotokos, the one who gave birth to God – or as Luke says it “Mother of the Lord.”  In the Greek Orthodox church they say: “The love poured into the Theotokos to allow her to love so fully in her turn.”  Much is made at this time of the year of Mary’s obedience, less so of Joseph’s which is perhaps a shame.  But it may be we should also make much of their love for their child and the life that he called them to live. 

As we think of families displaced from their home towns at this time through war, corruption, global warming, political upheaval, we remember that Mary and Joseph said yes to being political refugees.

As we think of people who are homeless or living in insecure accommodation, we remember that Mary and Joseph said yes to having their baby in a stable, pushed there by the Roman Emperor who didn’t need people to go to where they had been born to be counted, but who wanted to put his stamp on the country; to say to them that they were under occupation and they had to do what they were told. 

As we think of the many children who will not survive this winter across the world, we remember that Mary and Joseph said yes to a flight into a foreign country in order to avoid being caught up in a massacre – the slaughter of the innocents.

As we think of the many gifts and the good food that we are perhaps already being offered this close to Christmas, we remember that Mary and Joseph knew food insecurity and will have worried about their status in Egypt at least until Joseph could get some work. 

As we think of the power or lack of power we have over our own lives, we remember that God himself chose to give up power we cannot begin to comprehend, emptying himself out so that he could be born as a human baby and live our lives from birth to death as the Son became the child who would grow into the man who would save the world. 

May God bless you with his love this Christmas season as we try to respond with the love of Mary and of Joseph. 

God bless,
