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The church jobs fair

  • Windsor Methodist Church Alma Road Windsor, SL4 3HH United Kingdom (map)

This evening will offer opportunities for people to have brief conversations with those who are already doing certain jobs and to explore prayerfully whether there is something that they could do to continue to support and develop the work in this place. This will also give you an opportunity to see something of what the young people are doing and to buy cake. There will of course be refreshments but in addition a cake stall to raise funds for one of our young people who is going to South America in her gap year to teach English to local children. This will be a fun evening, taking a light-hearted approach to a serious subject: if we don't find some new volunteers we are going to start to struggle.

Earlier Event: 13 June
Bible Study - led by Rev'd Vicci
Later Event: 16 June
Morning Service